The Academy Arena
Flat Classes
All Academy Arena Flat Classes are $60
W/T 18+
(Starts at 9:30 a.m.)
- 1.1 Under Saddle
- 1.2 Equitation
- 1.3 Command Class
W/T/C 18+
(Starts no earlier than 10:00 a.m.)
- 2.1 Under Saddle
- 2.2 Equitation
- 2.3 Command Class
Note: All canters will be individual, cantered to end-of-line horses, except in command class where final riders a small group canter may be included.
W/T 11-17
(Starts no earlier than 10:30 a.m.)
- 3.1 Under Saddle
- 3.2 Equitation
- 3.3 Command Class
W/T/C 11-17
(Starts no earlier than 11:00 a.m.)
- 4.1 Under Saddle
- 4.2 Equitation
- 4.3 Command Class
Note: All canters will be individual, cantered to end-of-line horses, except in command class where final riders a small group canter may be included.
W/T Under 10 *Novice*
(Starts no earlier than 11:30 a.m.)
- 5.1 Under Saddle
- 5.2 Equitation
- 5.3 Command Class
W/T Under 10 *Beginner – Lead Line*
(Starts no earlier than 12:00 p.m.)
- 6.1 Under Saddle
- 6.2 Equitation
- 6.3 Command Class
Pole/Modified Cross Rails (Across all ages)
(Starts no earlier than 12:30 p.m.)
- 11.1 W/T/C Equitation: Performed as a group walk, trot with a small group, canter of no more than three riders
- 11.2 Pole Course: Ridden at the trot only with a two-point position demonstrated over poles
- 11.3 Modified cross-rail course: Ridden at the trot or canter with no more than two cross-rails
Note: Courses will be ‘hunter’ style with poles/cross rails on each outside line and diagonal.
Dressage Tests
For our Academy Dressage tests, we offer walk/trot to level four testing using our own tests ($25 per test).
Please refer to the following document to find a copy of a particular test.
The Front Barn
Hunter/Jumper Classes
2’6 – 2’9 Jumpers
(Course walk at 9 a.m. – Class starts no later than 9:30 a.m.)
- 7.0 – Clear Round -> $20
- 7.1 – Jumpers Table A -> $20
- 7.2 – Jumpers Speed -> $20
- 7.3 – Jumper Medal -> $30 (With the top 6 riders are called back for a flat class)
2’3 – 2’6 Jumpers
(Class starts no later than 10:30 a.m.)
- 8.0 – Clear Round -> $20
- 8.1 – Jumpers Table A -> $20
- 8.2 – Jumpers Speed -> $20
- 8.3 – Jumper Medal -> $30 (With the top 6 riders are called back for a flat class)
2′ Hunters
(Course walk at 12:30 p.m. – Class starts no earlier than 1:00 p.m.)
- 9.0 – Hunters Warm Up -> $20
- 9.1 – Hunters Over Fences -> $20
- 9.2 – Hunters Over Fences -> $20
- 9.3 – Hunters Under Saddle ->$20
Crossrail Hunter
(Class starts no earlier than 2:00 p.m.)
- 10.0 – Crossrail Hunters Warm Up -> $20
- 10.1 – Crossrail Hunters Over Fences -> $20
- 10.2 – Crossrail Hunters Over Fences -> $20
- 10.3 – Crossrail Hunters Under Saddle ->$20
Dressage Tests
For our Front Barn Dressage Shows, we offer walk/trot to fourth-level tests using Cadora’s Dressage Tests ($25 per test).
To find a copy of a particular test, please visit the Cadora website by clicking here.