Daisy Meadow Equestrian Horse Show Rules 2023
- DME reserves the right to postpone, cancel the show, refuse entries or alter the conditions as they deem necessary. If the show must be cancelled due to weather, it will be posted on our DME Facebook page and website by no later than 7:00 a.m. on show day.
- All riders must enter appropriate divisions for their riding ability. Please see the division rules.
- Entries for the show must be completed online. They can be found on our website and pre-paid via e-transfer to payments@daisymeadowsequestrian.com.
- Cost for Flat, Hunter, and Jumper classes: $20
- The cost for Dressage tests is $25 per test
- To Qualify for Division Champion and Reserve Champion in the jumper shows, you must compete in all classes of the division.
- To Qualify for Division Champion and Reserve Champion in the Dressage shows, you must enter two classes of the same division.
- There is a one-time non-refundable number fee of $10 each year per horse and rider combination. Riders are asked to hold onto the same number for the duration of the show season (if they misplace their number, a replacement number fee is $10).
- There is a $10 administration fee for all entries that is non-refundable.
- The show grounds shall be open for schooling/warm-up at 8:30 a.m., with the show beginning promptly at 9:00 a.m.
- No stabling available.
- No dogs are allowed on the property, with the exception of the Kidney Care Puppies and Ponies show. During this show, dogs must be leashed at all times.
- ASTM-approved helmets and proper footwear with a ¼” heel must be worn while mounted.
- All entries must be paid by E-Transfer by the Wednesday before the show to payments@daisymeadowsequestrian.com
- All owners and competitors are personally responsible for any damages to third parties caused by themselves, their employees, their agents or their horses. It is, therefore, mandatory to take out third-party insurance (OE) providing full coverage for participation in equestrian events and to keep their policy up to date. OE number MUST be presented prior to showing as part of the entry form. This will be strictly enforced.
- Entries must be received by the Wednesday before the show, with payment by 11 p.m.
- All owners and competitors shall be held responsible for any damages incurred by them, their agents, their employees, or their horses to stalls, buildings and other properties on the show grounds and shall be billed accordingly.
- End of the Year Points for Hunter/Jumpers will be rewarded as follows: point value of placing X (times) the number of entries. (1st= 7, 2nd = 5, 3rd =4, 4th= 3, 5th= 2, 6th =1). [For example, if the rider places 2nd in a class of 11 entries: 5 X 11 = 55.] In the event of a tie, the champion or reserve will be awarded to the rider/ horse with the most points over fences
- End-of-the-year ribbons will be awarded to 10th-place
- End-of-year points for Dressage will be competitors’ 3 highest scores, with at least two from two different shows. In the event of a tie, the Rider with the highest individual score will be the winner.
- Riders must show at 2 of the 4 Jumper shows or 2 of 3 Dressage shows to qualify for End of the year awards.
- NEW THIS YEAR: The All Around Athlete Award is awarded to those who have attended two jumper shows and two dressage shows. There will be an application form with how to apply for this award released near the end of the season.
- All questions should be directed to the show management, and their decisions will be final.
A PDF of these rules can be found here:
Division Rules
Dressage classes:
Tack: All styles of tack are welcome (Western and English).
No martingales or draw reins allowed.
We won’t offer Western-specific classes, but Western tack can be used for any test.
Select your level and test choice (tests offered will be Cadora tests); marks are out of 10 per movement for a final percentage out of 100%
Flat classes:
Tack: All styles of tack are welcome (Western and English).
Equitation class is judged primarily on rider performance and the effectiveness of the aids.
The Under Saddle class is judged primarily on the horses’ way of going and movement.
Command class is based on the ability of the horse and rider to respond to the judge’s commands. Those who perform the commands the slowest are eliminated until only one horse/rider combination remains.
Hunter Classes:
Tack: Traditional Hunter tack
- White fitted saddle pad
- Plain nosebands (no figure 8s, flash’s, drop-down nosebands)
- Simple Snaffle, Kimberwick or Pelham bits
- Synthetic or leather saddles
- Standing martingales are allowed
- No running martingales
- No boots, polos or other leg coverings.
Both over fences and under saddle are judged on the horse’s way of going. A steady rhythm and balance is the primary goal.
In the event of elimination due to refusals (2), the rider’s coach may join them in the arena to school them through the course.
Jumper Classes:
Tack: no specific tack requirements
Table A: All riders and horse combinations compete in the first round of the class. If the horse has no jumping or time faults in the first round, they will stay in the arena for immediate jump-off.
If the rider is clear, they stay in the ring after finishing the first course. After finishing the first course, the combination waits for the buzzer and heads to the first jump. The jump-off is a shorter version of the first round, and the rider with the fastest time and least amount of faults wins the class.
Speed: With only one round, there is no jump-off; faults have the same effect in this round, so people with rails place below people with no faults, even if their time is better.
Medal Class: This is a hybrid of jumpers and equitation usually outlined with a jumper course followed by a callback of the top 6 riders to showcase their riding on the flat. This class judges the rider, though the horse’s rideability can influence the rider’s performance. The jumper course is to be ridden with a smooth rhythm and correct striding, showcasing the rider’s ability to determine the best path & pace for their horse. The flat callback will judge a variety of tests including, but not limited to, halt, collecting/lengthening of stride, counter canter, or turn on the haunches/forehand.
In the event of elimination due to refusals (2), the rider’s coach may join them in the arena to school them through the course.